JavaFX Interview Questions & Answers

1.What is JavaFX?
Ans :
JavaFX is a set of graphics and media packages that enables developers to design, create, test, debug, and deploy rich client applications that operate consistently across diverse platforms.
It can be considered as an alternative to Java Swing.
2.Is Java Applet deprecated?
Ans :
Yes. As part of JDK 1.9 it is deprecated.
3.What is a Stage in JavaFX?
Ans :
A javafx.stage.Stage in JavaFX is a top-level container that hosts a Scene, which consists of visual elements. The platform creates the primary stage and pass it to the start(Stage s) method of the Application class.
Explain the basic structure of a JavaFX application.
The main class for a JavaFX application extends the javafx.application.Application class.
The start() method is the main entry point for all JavaFX applications. So your main class will override it.
A JavaFX application defines the user interface container by means of a stage and a scene. The JavaFX Stage class is the top-level JavaFX container. The JavaFX Scene class is the container for all content.
In JavaFX, the content of the scene is represented as a hierarchical scene graph of nodes.
The main() method is not required for JavaFX application, however useful to launch in IDE without JavaFX launcher.
import javafx.application.Application;
import javafx.scene.Scene;
import javafx.scene.control.Button;
import javafx.scene.layout.StackPane;
import javafx.stage.Stage;
public class Main extends Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {
public void start(Stage primaryStage) throws Exception {
primaryStage.setTitle(“Welcome to”);
Button b = new Button(“Click”);
StackPane layout = new StackPane();
Scene scene = new Scene(layout, 300, 300);
4.Different inbuilt layout panes?
Ans :
and AnchorPane.
5.Explain the JavaFX API?
Ans :
javafx.stage holds the top level container classes for JavaFX application.
javafx.scene provides classes and interfaces to support the scene graph. In addition, it also provides sub-packages such as canvas, chart, control, effect, image, input, layout, media, paint, shape, text, transform, web, etc. There are several components that support this rich API of JavaFX.
javafx.animation has classes to add transition based animations such as fill, fade, rotate, scale and translation, to the JavaFX nodes.
javafx.application contains a set of classes responsible for the JavaFX application life cycle.
javafx.css contains classes to add CSS?like styling to JavaFX GUI applications.
javafx.event contains classes and interfaces to deliver and handle JavaFX events.
javafx.geometry contains classes to define 2D objects and perform operations on them.
6. What Type Of License Is Javafx Available Under?
Ans :
JavaFX is available under the same license and business model as Java SE. This includes the ability for third party developers to distribute the runtime librairies with their application(s), subject to the terms and conditions of the license.
7. What Type Of Support Is Available For Javafx?
Ans :
Java SE Support: JavaFX is part of the Java SE technologies supported for Oracle commercial customers.
Community support: applications developers are encouraged to visit the JavaFX forum, or log in to JIRA to submit bug reports and request new features.
8. How Does Javafx Compare To Flash And Flex?
Ans :
Flex pretty good but also started to use JavaFX. I am a little bit confused. JavaFX seems to focus more on low level drawing operations and animations. Less on creating standard UIs like Flex.On The Other Side JavaFX Also Supports Swing Components As Well As Data Binding, Which Makes It Appear More Like Flex.
9. Where Is The Javafx Scene Builder Gone?
Ans :
I Am Trying To Find The Elusive JavaFX Scene Builder So I Can Use It In Intellij. =I Am On Windows OS.
Oracle Have Stated That The JavaFX Scene Builder Is Included In A New Download, But No Matter How I Search I Cannot Find It (HTTP://WWW.ORACLE.COM/TECHNETWORK/JAVA/JAVAFX/DOWNLOADS/INDEX.HTML). I Think They Have Linked To The Incorrect Page And Googling For It Is Getting Me Nowhere.
I Already Have Java 8 SDK Installed And Working Fine. Apparently JavaFX Is Now Included In That, But Nowhere In The Java Folder Can I Find The Scene Builder And It Seems To Be Completely Missing Online.
10. What About Javafx On The Ipad Or Other Mobile Devices?
Ans :
As much as I would like to answer this question, I am not allowed to. You can believe me, this really bugs me, especially since I hear time after time how important (and cool) JavaFX on these devices would be. All I can say is, that we presented prototypes of JavaFX on different tablets at JavaOne last year and asked, if this is something the community wants. The feedback was overwhelming. We continue to look into this, but for now I can only humbly ask you for your patience.
11. Is Swing Dead Now?
Ans :
“Swing will remain part of the Java SE specification for the foreseeable future, and is included in the JRE”. – But it is in maintenance mode now, no new features are being developed at this point. So if you want to use the new and cool stuff that was developed for JavaFX, you have to migrate to JavaFX or embed JavaFX in your Swing application.
12. What Is New In Javafx?
Ans :
JavaFX 2 is the next step in the evolution of Java as a rich client platform. It is designed to provide a lightweight, hardware-accelerated Java UI platform for enterprise and business applications.
Feature highlights:
Functionality exposed through Java API.
New hardware accelerated graphics pipeline (Prism).
FXML—a new XML-based markup language for defining user interfaces.
Over 60 UI controls and charts with CSS styling.
Web component (WebView) to render HTML and JavaScript content inside a Java application, with JavaScript to Java bridge.
Support for JavaFX in Swing and SWT applications.
Self-contained application packaging with platform-specific installers
Multi-touch support
New media engine for stable, consistent media playback, including support for H.264 video and AAC audio.
JavaFX Scene Builder, a visual UI design tool
13. Is Javafx Open Source?
Ans :
At this time, the JavaFX UI Controls source code has been contributed to the OpenJFX open source project; other JavaFX components are expected to follow in multiple phases. The code is available under the GPL v2 with Classpath Exception license, similar to other projects in OpenJDK.
14. Is Javafx Replacing Swing As The New Client Ui Library For Java Se?
Ans :
Yes. However, Swing will remain part of the Java SE specification for the foreseeable future, and therefore included in the JRE. While we recommend developers to leverage JavaFX APIs as much as possible when building new applications, it is possible to extend a Swing application with JavaFX, allowing for a smoother transition.
15. Does Javafx 2 Support Javafx Script?
Ans :
Starting with JavaFX 2.0, JavaFX Script is no longer supported. However, you can use other scripting languages that run on the JVM, such as Groovy or Scala.
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