Devops Training Online | Devops Tutorial | Devops Certification Training

Devops Training Online | Devops Tutorial | Devops Certification Training: Devops Online Training by Real time experts Course including AWS Ansible Kuberenets Docker Git Jenkins Maven Nagios Chef Best Trainers  Spiritsofts Devops Training Course will help you Learn DevOps and master various aspects of software development , operations, continuous delivery.

LINUX Basics:
·         Unix and Linux difference
·         Linux File System structure
·         Basic Linux/Unix commands
·         Changing file permissions and ownership
·         Filter commands
·         Simple filter and advance filter commands
·         Start and stop services
·         Package installation using RPM and YUM
Introduction to Devops :
·         Define Devops
·         What is Devops
·         SDLC models,Lean,ITIL,Agile
·         Why Devops
·         History of Devops
·         Devops Stakeholders
·         Devops Goals
·         Important terminology
·         Devops perspective
·         Devops and Agile
·         Devops Tools
·         Configuration management
·         Continuous Integration and Deployment
Introduction to Cloud computing :
·         What is cloud computing
·         Characteristics of cloud computing
·         Cloud implementation models
·         Cloud service models
·         Advantages of cloud computing
·         Concerns of cloud computing
GIT : Version Control
·         Introduction
·         What is GIT
·         About Version Control system and Types
·         Difference between CVCS and DVCS
·         A short history of GIT
·         GIT basics
·         GIT command line
·         Installing GIT : Installing on Linux, Windows
·         Intial setup
·         Creating repository
·         Cloning, check-in and committing
·         Fetch pull and remote
·         Branching
·         Creating the Branches, switching the branches,
merging the branches

Chef for Configuration management
Overview of Chef
·         Common Chef Terminology(server, Workstation, Client, Repository etc.)
·         Servers and Nodes
·         Chef Configuration concepts
        Workstation setup :
·         How to configure Knife
·         Execute some commands to test the connection between knife and workstations
        Organization setup :
·         Create organization
·         Add yourself and node to organization
       Test Node Setup :
·         Create a server and add to organization
·         Check node details using Knife
       Node Objects and Search
·         How to Add Run list to Node
·         Check Node details
·         How to create Environments
·         Add servers to environments
·         Create roles
·         Add roles to organization
·         Understanding of Attributes
·         Creating Custom Attributes
·         Defining in Cookbooks
                Date bags
·         Understanding  the data bags
·         Creating and managing the data bags
·         Creating the data bags usig CLI and Chif console
·         Sample data bags for creating Users
·         Creating AWS account
·         Free tier Eligible services
·         Understanding AWS Regions and availability zones
EC2 (Elastic Cloud Comput)
·         About EC2 and types, Pricing
·         EIP, Allocating, associating, releasing
·         Launch windows and Linux instances in AWS
·         Connecting windows and Linux instances from windows destop and Linux machnes
S3( Simple Storage Service)
·         About AWS Storage services, EBS and S3
·         Creating S3 Buckets and Putting objects in bucket
·         Discussion about Bucket Properties
·         S3  Pricing
·         About S3 glecier

Jenkins  -continuous Integration

·         Understanding continuous integration
·         Introduction abou Jenkins
·         Build Cycle
·         Jenkins Architecture
·         Obtaining and Installing Jenkins
·         Installing and configuring jenkins using WAR and RPM
·         Java installation and configuration
·         Maven Installation
·         Exploring jenkins Dashboard
·         Creating jobs
·         Running the jobs
·         Setting up the global environments for jobs
·         Adding and updating Plugins
·         Disabling and deleting jobs
Build Deploymens
·         Understanding Deployment
·         Tomcat installation and configuration
Securing jenkins :
·         Authentication
·         jenkins Plugin
·         Authorization
·         Confidentiality
·         Creating users
·         Best Practices for Jenkins

Docket -Containers

·         What is a Docker
·         Use case of Docker
·         Platform for Docker
·         Dockers Vs Virtualization
·         Docker Architecture
·         Understanding the Docker components
·         Installing Docker on Linux
·         Understanding installation of Docker on Windows
·         Some Docker commands
·         Provisioning
                Docker Hub
·         Downloading Docker images
·         Uploading the images in Docker Registry and AWS ECS
·         Understanding the containers
·         Running commands in container
·         Running multiple containers
Custom images
·         Creating a custom image
·         Running a container from the custom image
·         Publishing the custom image
Docker Networking
·         Accessing containers
·         Linking containers
·         Exposing container ports
·         Container Routing
Docker Compose
·         Installing the Docker compose
·         Terminology in Docker compose
·         Build word press site using Docker compose


·         Why and what is Vagrant
·         Uses of Vagrant in an environment
·         Alternatives of Vagrant
     Installation and Configuration
·         Installing Virtual box
·         How to Install Vagrant on Windows and Linux
·         Configuring Vagrant
  Provisioning with Vagrant
·         Creating first VM with Vagrant
·         Operations on the VM
·         Connecting to the VM
·         Add required Images to Vagrant
·         Creating network and port forwarding using Vagrant


·         About Monitoring tools
·         About New Relic
·         Installing and Configuring New Relic
·         Application Monitoring using New Relic
·         Server Monitoring using New Relic
·         Alerts policies

·         Introduction
·         What is ELK
·         ELK Installation
·         ElasticSearch
·         Logstash
·         Configuring Logstashand kibana
·         Introduction about Ansible
·         How to install Ansible on Linux
·         Conditional Statements in Ansible
·         Play books
·         Roles